At Knollmead, our emphasis is on rewards to reinforce good behaviour, achievement and effort. We believe that rewards have a motivational role helping children to see that good behaviour and progress are valued.
The Rewards include:
Plenty of positive praise;
House points – children across the school work towards gaining house points. House points are collected and totalled on a Friday with the winning house awarded a cup at the4 end of each term;
Celebration Asssemblies – children who make exceptional progress, have worked particularly hard or who have excellent attendance are awarded certificates and special stickers. These are awarded to these children during end of term assemblies;
Sharing work with other classes or members of staff;
Caught Reading Cards - children will receive a Reading Card when they have been caught reading during their free time. This may be at break or lunch times, in the library or before each lesson. The Name of each child "caught" will be placed in a draw every Friday for Celebration Assembly and will receive a prize if their name is picked. The child with the most Reading Cards will be given a prize at the end of the half term.