
Our current uniform can be bought from:

School Zone 

Bentalls Department Store,
Wood Street,
Kingston upon Thames,
Surrey, KT1 1TX

Store enquiries: 020 8541 6790

Online order enquiries: 020 8541 6790

School Zone website 

Uniform Costs Aid

Second hand school uniform is available to buy from the school office.  We also hold regular second hand uniform sales in the playground before and after school.

Uniform Policy

Pupils are expected to wear the correct uniform at all times (other than specified non-school uniform days) while:

  • On the school premises

  • Travelling to and from school 

  • At out-of-school events or on trips that are organised by the school, or where they are representing the school (if required)

Pupils are also expected to contact the school office if they want to request an amendment to the uniform policy in relation to their protected characteristics. 


Parents and carers are expected to make sure their child has the correct uniform and PE kit, and that every item is: 

  • Clean 

  • Clearly labelled with the child’s name 

  • In good condition  

Parents are also expected to contact the school office if they want to request an amendment to the uniform policy in relation to:

  • Their child’s protected characteristics

  • The cost of the uniform 

Parents are expected to lodge any complaints or objections relating to the school uniform in a timely and reasonable manner. 

Disputes about the cost of the school uniform will be: 

  • Resolved locally 

  • Dealt with in accordance with our school’s complaints policy 

The school will work closely with parents to arrive at a mutually acceptable outcome. 

Our school has a duty to make sure that the uniform we require is affordable, in line with statutory guidance from the Department for Education on the cost of school uniform. 

We understand that items with distinctive characteristics (such as branded items, or items that have to have a school logo or a unique fabric/colour/design) cannot be purchased from a wide range of retailers and that requiring many such items limits parents’ ability to ‘shop around’ for a low price.  

We will make sure our uniform:

  • Is available at a reasonable cost 

  • Provides the best value for money for parents/carers

We will do this by: 

  • Carefully considering whether any items with distinctive characteristics are necessary

  • Limiting any items with distinctive characteristics where possible

  • Limiting items with distinctive characteristics to low-cost and/or long-lasting items, such as ties 

  • Considering cheaper alternatives to school-branded items, such as logos that can be ironed on, as long as this doesn’t compromise quality and durability

  • Avoiding specific requirements for items pupils could wear on non-school days, such as coats, bags and shoes 

  • Keeping the number of optional branded items to a minimum, so that the school’s uniform can act as a social leveller 

  • Minimising different uniform requirements for different year/class/house groups to just a different coloured t-shirt for different houses

  • Avoiding different uniform requirements for extra-curricular activities 

  • Considering alternative methods for signalling differences in groups for interschool competitions, such as creating posters or labels 

  • Making sure that arrangements are in place for parents to acquire second-hand uniform items 

  • Avoiding frequent changes to uniform specifications and minimising the financial impact on parents of any changes

  • Consulting with parents and pupils on any proposed significant changes to the uniform policy and carefully considering any complaints about the policy