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Welcome to Knollmead Nursery


Knollmead Nursery is a purpose-built, pre-school setting located in Tolworth, providing an amazing environment where our children have direct access to free-flow, indoor and outdoor learning spaces that include our Forest School, school fields and our school swimming pool.

The intake comprises a 52 place cohort spread over a morning session, and afternoon session or an all day session.

Our sessions run:

Monday to Friday, 8.40am - 11.40am and 12:20pm - 3:20pm.

We offer a successful 30hr extended day provision  Monday - Fri day 8.40am - 3.20pm .


Morning Session 8.40am – 11.40am  (Mon - Fri)

Lunch Club Session 11.40am - 1.00pm (Mon - Fri)

Afternoon Session 12.20 pm - 3.20pm (Mon - Fri)

Parents not eligible for the free 30hrs code are able to pay for their child to attend lunch club and the Extended day provision.

We operate a Core 3 staff ratio enabling the Nursery staff to work as part of a small, highly skilled team to ensure continuity and progression in the provision of age and stage related activities to meet the needs of our children.

Find more information about Nursery admissions 

We are dedicated to providing excellent pastoral care and education for all children in our Nursery.



Learning in the Early Years

Every child deserves the best possible start in life and support to fulfil their potential. A child’s experience in the early years has a major impact on their future life chances. A secure, safe and happy childhood is important  in its own right and it provides the foundation for children to make the most of their abilities and talents as they grow up.                             

The Early Years Foundation Stage Profile. 

The ‘Early Years Foundation Stage’ (EYFS) applies to children from birth to to the end of Reception year. The EYFS is based upon four principles; 

  • A Unique Child
  • Positive Relationships
  • Enabling Environments
  • Learning and Development


The Characteristics of Effective Learning help us to reflect on the ways in which children learn through their environment, experiences and activities:

  • Playing and exploring
  • Active Learning
  • Creating and thinking critically


At Knollmead primary School we value the importance that the EYFS plays in laying secure foundations for future learning and development. In addition, Development Matters (July 2021) recognises 7 key features of effective practice;

The best for every child

Inclusive education for all children, providing an equal chance of success.

High-quality care

Consistent, nurturing care where young children can thrive.

The curriculum

A creative, ambitious ‘top-level’ plan of everything we want the children to learn.


A range of approaches that help all children to learn.


Purposeful, effective methods that inform us what a child can do & what they know.

Self regulation and executive function

Developing skills to help children focus, think flexibly, hold information, plan and adapt and regulate their feelings so that they are ready to learn.

Partnership with parents

To develop strong, respectful partnerships to create the best learning environments at school and home.



The intent of the Nursery Curriculum

  • Is that all children in our care learn well and thrive in an environment that supports and nurtures them to become happy, engaged and resilient learners.


  • To acknowledge the requirements for promoting the learning and development of children as set out in the EYFS Statutory Framework, considering the Prime and Specific Areas of Learning.


  • To plan with the Characteristics of Effective Learning in mind. 


  • To plan and deliver age appropriate activities to support the acquisition of skills and knowledge, reflective of those documented within Development Matters. For those children that are not yet able to master specific skills, to break down the stages into attainable steps, with opportunities to access learning that is mindful of the different schemas children may transition through.


  • That our curriculum is constantly evolving and ‘considers the individual needs, interests, and stage of development for each child in their care.’ OFSTED Handbook 2019


  • Is designed to ensure high levels of involvement and aims to deliver a holistic, communication-rich environment that challenges, excites and inspires children to become successful and confident learners and where they can thrive. 


  • Is to ensure that our curriculum helps prepare them for life in modern Britain and empower them to achieve success in the future, preparing them well for Reception class.